world holidays

For those embracing world travel and the excitement of being part of holiday celebrations that happen across the globe, this page provides news, information, and planning information to help you make the most of those upcoming holidays, observances, and special celebrations. Plan a trip, vacation, or places to visit with details on any upcoming celebrations and special event days and the agenda for their celebration in their part of the world.

Learn precisely when they will happen to secure the best international travel packages, and how they will be conducted in their designated region of celebration. Almost every country in the world observes a national holiday in honor of an important patriotic event, such as the winning of the country's independence and other historic and/or significant events.

Holiday and Celebration Talk

World holidays and festive celebrations may serve as the observance of important past events, raise awareness of an issue or appreciate the great value of an idea or input of people to world regions or sections of the human population. Regardless of origin, or cause, all international holidays offer an opportunity for celebrants to connect across borders.

World Holidays

Most international holidays come from a particular country's cultural traditions. Some holidays are created by the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and other international governing bodies while others are created by brands that may be looking to expand their global reach and awareness surrounding their products and services.

Global Observances

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Observing world holidays and planned travel to special event celebrations