On the start page of this Google Experiment are draw tools that you utilize to place geometric shapes on the left side column that will result in matched artwork on the right column chosen from the collection available on the Google Arts and Culture archive.

Doodle and draw to your heart's content to see what masterpieces of the art world your efforts most closely correspond to. Thumbnails along the bottom of the art renderings will allow you to select from several matches. Draw to Art utilizes Sketchy Dataset (best match associations between particular photos and sketches) to match doodles to paintings, sculptures, and drawings in Google Arts and Culture Partners collections from around the world.

Draw to Art was created by Google Creative Lab London, Google Arts & Culture Lab, Kyle McDonald, and Pirag Mital. A clear button located below the draw canvas allows you to erase any previous draw efforts and start over again.

Realize art through Draw to Art



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