Daily Good

DailyGood.org is a website dedicated to sharing positive and uplifting news stories from around the world. Its mission is to foster a sense of hope, inspiration, and connection by highlighting acts of kindness, human resilience, and progress in areas such as social justice, environmental sustainability, and personal growth. The platform curates stories that often go unnoticed in mainstream media, focusing on the "good" happening in communities globally.

In terms of its relationship to providing uplifting news, DailyGood serves as a counterbalance to the often negative and sensationalist narratives prevalent in traditional news outlets. By delivering content that emphasizes compassion, innovation, and collective well-being, it encourages readers to engage with the world in a more constructive and optimistic way. The site also offers newsletters and other resources to help people stay informed about positive developments and to inspire action toward creating a better world. Through this focus, DailyGood fosters a community of individuals committed to celebrating humanity's potential for good.

Extraordinary, positive changes are happening all around the world and are often overlooked. Come in and get inspired as we showcase the uplifting news stories you might have otherwise missed.
DailyGood: News That Inspires
  1. In 2011, Ezra Sullivan joined a harvest crew in an apple orchard at the base of the Andes Mountains in Argentina. Half of the orchard was well tended in neat rows. They worked it in a task focused, quick and effective way. The other half had been left unattended for years. “You could barely walk a straight line through it. One had to traverse fallen trees, ant hills, dense undergrowth and...
  2. Instead of imposing our human world onto the “more-than-human” world, Tess James helps us understand how the world arrives for her. “I step into the human world through the mirror of the more-than-human world, finding ease in its familiar safety. People exist in the background; my foreground is the present moment. Never empty. Always a canvas—Butterflies. Dried leaves....
  3. In 1995, a mayoral candidate in Bogota, Colombia, began his campaign with a slogan: “arm yourself with love.” Past efforts to “mitigate waves of violence with, well, violence, had proven ineffective.” His first effort was to tackle 1,500 annual traffic-related deaths. He hired a few mimes armed with signs that read correcto and incorrecto, who “mocked lawbreakers...
  4. "Personal growth and human development are as old as the hills perhaps two of the more popular banners flapping in the breeze [in] the 21st century. So what’s new? Aren’t these two old chestnuts that humanity has been chewing over throughout history? The issues may indeed be the same, but what is new is the emergence of a suppressed part of the human dynamic that can be called the...
  5. Erica Berry takes us on a journey from predictability to uncertainty recalling a visit with her grandparents after horrific Montana wildfires and charred ponderosa pines. “To love the trees, to live among them, is to reconcile myself not only to my impermanence, but to theirs.” Then in a visit to Oregon, where a massive Cascadia earthquake eruption is overdue, she realized “how...
  6. Writer Lindsey Wayland invites us to examine our thinking around play. Some may think play is something only children do, and many of us forget how to play as we age, “reinforced by a culture that measures worth through productivity.” Afraid of embarrassment or feeling foolish, we lose our freedom – “freedom to fail, freedom to change our minds, freedom to be...
  7. "Many of us are outraged today. We dig in our heels around our beliefs on abortion, vaccines, immigration, or gender. We believe we are morally right and the other side is wrong. And the other side also believes they are morally right and we are wrong," writes journalist Sahar Habib Ghazi. She interviews Kurt Gray, who for 20 years, has been researching how people make sense of the world when it...