Read Questionable Content slice-of-life, situational comedy webcomic

Questionable Content webcomic

Questionable Content (also referred to as QC) is an internet comic strip written and illustrated by Jeph Jacques about friendship, sexual humor, romance, and robots. The world of QC is set primarily in Northampton, Massachusetts, in the present day (exact date unspecified) and is pretty much the same as our present-day world, but there are robots (referred to as (AIs) and space stations. Best buddies Marten and Faye as they navigate life, make friends and forge relationships, along with AI (intimate) interaction.

The casts' growing number of robot characters grapple with the post-singularity coexistence of humans and A.Is, and other science fiction elements. QC has evolved into a humorous ongoing chronicle of the lives of a group of twenty-somethings, as they deal with life, and fall in and out of love.







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Read Questionable Content slice-of-life, situational comedy webcomic


The Official QC RSS Feed

  1. Hello Melon

  2. Hur hur hur

  3. g'morning Porsche

  4. he's only a medium-level silly

  5. it's got kitties on it!

  6. GREAT

  7. the mortifying ordeal of being Ayo

  8. Beep beep

  9. Whew! Sorry for the long absence of RSS. I think we've finally got it figured out.

  10. The space station arc! Definitely the most ambitious thing I had attempted in the comic at that point, and honestly beyond my capabilities at the time. But that’s how you grow- you bite off more than you can chew, and you fuckin figure out how to chew it anyway. And then you choke a little and cough bits of food all over

  11. Welcome to the start of Director’s Commentary month! Or as I call it, Directember. I don’t call it that. ANYWAY

    It felt appropriate to start with the first QC strip I ever made! For the rest of these entries I think I’m just gonna hit the “random comic” button and write about whatever pops up.

    It’s funny

  12. And that concludes QC for this year! I'll be posting some Director's Commentary on old strips I find interesting for the next couple weeks, as well as maybe some other stuff. Just gonna chill and do what seems fun for December. Regular QC will resume in January. Thank you so much for the kind messages and support, I'm so

  13. eider you get the joke or you don't

  14. Y'all, I have been drawing QC for 22 years without anything even resembling an actual vacation in longer than I can remember. I have drawn over 5000 comics. I am tired.

    So I'm taking December off. The last regular QC comic of 2024 will be this Friday. It will resume in January. This is not the end of QC. I
