Set in the sub-genre of science fiction known as steampunk, Girl Genius published by Studio Foglio tells the story of Agatha Clay, a student and apprentice at Transylvania Polygnostic University whose experiments never work, until she encounters an electromagnetic pulse.
The tale of young Miss Agatha Clay begins as a teen lab assistant to a mad scientist, who belongs to a recognized category of types known as "Sparks". Despite her enthusiasm for the field, she is terrible at mechanics (the steampunk tech), unwittingly for reasons that she could never realize. But unknown to her, her problems stem from the fact she is the last of a legendary Spark family. Thus her powers and identity are hidden even from herself to keep her safe.
Since Girl Genius is an ongoing adventure tale with evolving circumstances and character development, it is recommended that new readers start the story from the very beginning. The entire archive is available for online reading. The Girl Genius comic (originally a print series) won the Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story three times (2009-2011), has been nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Professional Artist and twice for Eisner Awards, and won multiple WCCA awards. The webcomic, as well as the initial printed issues, have been collected into printed graphic novels.
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