El Goonish Shive created entirely by Dan Shive is often categorized as bizarre with science-fantasy. These story qualities are realized especially when the teenage cast is known to break the laws of physics.
El Goonish Shive has tolerance-related issues that seem to make it an LGBTQ-friendly read, including sexual orientations such as homosexuality and bisexuality, non-traditional gender roles, and lifestyle choices. As the cast is primarily made up of teenagers, they do obsess over relationships as teenagers do, but take time away from that to immerse themselves into dealings with magic, alien technology, parallel dimensions, "superscience," and immortal beings plotting drastic changes to the world.
El Goonish Shive has its own wiki, Shiveapedia, which contains the definitive timeline of the comic, plus full arc summaries and character bios. The comic is broken down into a number of storylines, which are usually part of a long, continuous plot. Most storylines are short and follow only a few characters, but some are multi-part arcs in which the whole lead cast is involved. As a bonus to El Goonish Shive Fans, the Twitter feed is included below.
You have been reading
- Jay reacting to Hope talking about immortals and jobs
One hundred percent unnecessary sass in that second panel, but I think we can cut Jay some
...- Hope did say she wanted to be friends
It was at this point that I had to decide if Jay had broken hospitality, and much like a Game Master when a
...- Past life journal-like reciting in Sister 3 (with the Emissary of Magic)
...On this page, Grace is referencing secret bases from Pokémon. I don't recall ever actually playing around with the mechanic, but it makes me think of people having a bunch of furniture and
...The answer is no.
I didn't want that to have to be something Hope did every time she granted temporary hospitality, but I did want the reveal to be a bit dramatic. Thanks to the power of silliness, we get
...- Sarah successfully guessing (generally)
"I would happily accept this job, but there's one thing I need to check first."
"Sorry, it
...By the standards set by the main characters in this comic, that last panel is roughly equivalent to kicking a thousand puppies.
...Schedule note: The next EGSNP will be Tuesday. I didn't get the rest I needed over the holidays due to external factors, and I've been trying to pretend that I did. That has really not gone well, and I
..."Also, this is technically a reincarnation isekai story now. Sort of. It's debatable."
(Please don't seriously debate it. It's a joke. Mostly.)
I hadn't planned for this to be the start of part
...My announced plan had been for there to be an EGSNP tomorrow, but my weekend was a lot more stressful than I anticipated, and I've decided to listen to the many nice people telling me I can take more time off
...EDIT: Regarding the next page being Monday, this is because I want to write something better, I'm behind on sleep, and something personal has come up that demands my time. My apologies for this
...Soldier-goblin is small because I very specifically wanted to draw Tedd holding them.
That's it. That's the explanation.
When I wrote the previous page, I just wanted to show some of Tedd and Jay's