Read Darths & Droids, Star Wars inspired, sci-fi webcomics

Droids and Darths webcomic

Darths & Droids is an "RPG screencap comic" that parodies Star Wars. The characters in the comic are roleplaying game (RPG) players. The premise of the comic is that the Star Wars saga as we know it does not exist, rather the comic takes place in an alternate universe where Star Wars does not exist. Despite aspects of a Star Wars setting the comic's characters are oblivious to anything concerning Jedi, or Tatooine, or Anakin Skywalker before the game begins. Using screenshots from the live-action films to tell the story, the Comic Irregulars are not constrained by the dialogue, allowing a largely different plot to be constructed around the visuals from the films.







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Read Darths & Droids, Star Wars inspired, sci-fi webcomics


Star Wars as it would have been played as an RPG.
Darths & Droids
  1. Episode 2601: A Journey of a Thousand Milestones

    Step-by-step quests can be a little tricky. How do you know when you've ticked off each step? What if you miss one? Can you keep going and fill it in

  2. Episode 2600: Conversation of Matter

    Older characters may be less prone to setting out on perilous adventures or fighting giants, but they have the benefits of wisdom and knowledge to be called on. One

  3. Episode 2599: Praxis & Allies

    Things that work against allies can always be of potential use in certain situations.

    If one of your party gets possessed. Or they've been replaced by a

  4. Episode 2598: My Dreams Become So Real to Me

    Visions can be a cool way to provide information to players. Being (generally) non-interactive, you can play them as watchable scenes without fear of

  5. Episode 2597: Double Vision

    The thing about mysterious visions—or mysterious anything, in fact—is that they can be misinterpreted.

    Wait, this is players we're talking about.

