Read Mega Tokyo urban adventure Japanese manga webcomics

MegaTokyo manga webcomic

Set in a fictional version of Tokyo, Megatokyo portrays the adventures of Piro, a young fan of anime and manga, and his friend Largo, an American video game enthusiast. Megatokyo originally emphasized humor, with continuity of the story a subsidiary concern. The comic easily references and comments on the context (and subtext) of anime, manga, dating sims, arcade and video games, occasionally making direct references to real-world works. Megatokyo is freely available on its official website.


News and Comics from Megatokyo.
  1. Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1616
  2. Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1615
  3. Dead Piro Day comic 1614
  4. Just blasting out into the ether that Transcendent - Book 1: The Girl is the Tomb is live, available for kindle, paperback, and a brand new hardcover option for you dead tree enthusiasts. It's... been a ride, to say the least. When I started this manuscript, as a visual prompt from Fred, it had morphed and shifted its tone so many times that it quite literally shares nothing with the initial...
  5. Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1613
  6. Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1612
  7. (note: this was actually a twitter thread that i wrote this morning... rather than copy paste and chunk this thing out to the other services... duh, post it as a rant and link it :) I've been hesitant to post anything like this, so i'll keep it vague. Lets face it, the last YEAR has been awful. About a year ago, Sarah started to feel sick and it wasn't long before we knew her cancer was back. It...
  8. One thing ive found myself doing lately now that im sorta 'well fuck that twitter shit' is i am rambling on a LOT more when i type stuff. This can be viewed as a good or bad thing. Maybe for me it's not a bad thing. It's a bit like working in a 4 panel comic format. You can do a lot with a four panel setup, almost the first entire chapter of MT is all 4 panel. It has its own kinda pacing, setup,...
  9. Ok, if you look at comic above [1604] you might notice that it has changed from what i posted back in July (you might need to refresh your browser (ctrl-F5 or ctrl-R) to see it). Why? Because i goofed up. [TL;dr: small retcon for this comic: have to transition into earlier in the next scene so Mugi and Yaku can talk *before* Miho wakes up. Now I can insert the three pages in progress of Mugi and...
  10. Well, after 15 years of using this new fangled "Twitter" thing for microblogging, that's enough of that. Back to normal ranting. (For the record, this is not a rant about twitter, it's about me and the internet over the last thirty... years... oh geeze, it's been that long?) When Twitter was just a new thing, i kinda liked the idea of using it for quick micro blogging (since i was such a slacker...