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  1. Book I ordered vs. What I got submitted by /u/farachun
  2. “Whoops I did a nazi salute” submitted by /u/walrus_vasectomy
  3. 🔥This kayaker gets approached by an otter every time he</a></td></tr></table>...                            </div>
                                                    <h3 class= We outnumber the oligarchs
    We outnumber the oligarchs submitted by
  4. Smoothest moves I've ever seen.
  5. My family and I are preparing for the eventual economic collapse here in America. It's going to be huge...but I'm ready for it, and I welcome it. This country has been lost to maddness. While the majority of us citizens, I believe, would glady fight along side Canadians against our own government were they to try and invade you, too many of us have been swept up in the

  6. Elon Musk’s AI said he and Donald Trump deserve death penalty Republican fuck is mad that his preferred pronoun is not used by constituent
  7. Asuna Ichinose [Blue Archive] submitted by
  8. Blue Iris submitted by /u/Byeganjababe to