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  1. Said goodbye to my best friend today. We could use your prayers. Just saw this
    Just saw this

    Hope it's allowed

    submitted by
  2. Let's be honest, that site is a cesspool. Having to login to see the content is also lame. This sub banded together when reddit went dark and I say we do the same now with all the other major subs going this way.

    submitted by /u/gnnr25 to ...
  3. After four years, I finally got my braces off
  4. Petition to ban X links on r/texas

    My grandfather killed

  5. I'm scared submitted by /u/samoanLightning to
  6. I do not think this subreddit should be supporting a website owned by such a despicable human being.

    I would suggest Facebook as well but what would people even post from Facebook?

    submitted by /u/Ichewthecereal to r/ontario...
  7. This fried chicken from the Whole Foods deli
  8. Superheroine submitted by
  9. Reverend Marianne Edgar makes a direct plea to Donald Trump</a></td></tr></table>...                            </div>

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