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News - South China Morning Post
  1. A Japanese chef has spoken about the open relationship he has with his wife and why he welcomed her latest boyfriend into their marital home.
  2. Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau says the new school has to ensure students fulfil the standards of the local licensing council
  3. Top Chinese diplomat shares concerns over Typhon missile system in first known face-to-face meeting with Philippine counterpart since 2022.
  4. Salam Gembira has been slammed by online users as haram, or forbidden in Arabic, even though it was passed uncut with an R21 rating.
  5. A woman in China has provoked anger after she advised a friend to keep his father’s ashes in a cheap parcel locker rather than provide a proper send-off.
  6. The former president suffered the ear wound when a would-be assassin opened fire on him at a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13.
  7. Irish singer’s brother likens Dublin museum’s waxwork of O’Connor to a cross between a shop dummy and ‘something out of the Thunderbirds’. Museum apologises to her family and pledges to do better.
  8. The Second Thomas Shoal has been a focus of clashes between Chinese and Philippine ships in recent months as Beijing steps up efforts to push its claims to almost the entire South China Sea.
  9. The new court documents represent the US government’s first major defence in a consequential legal battle over the future of the popular social media platform.
  10. Singapore tops list that analysed 60 cities, with Tokyo, Toronto, Sydney and Zurich completing the top five.