For fastest service, use the exact zip code for the destination address. The zip codes in this table will bring mail to the main post office in each city, which is faster than no zip code at all.

This table can also be used to send a batch of letters to a central zip code by Express Mail. The local postmaster will then deliver the individual letters locally, saving time and money.

To obtain a zip code for any location, call the U.S. Postal Service at (202) 682-9595 from 8:00 A.M. to 8 00 P.M., Monday through Friday and 8 00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Saturday. After hours, call the Honolulu Post Office at (808) 423-3930.


Main Post Office zip codes

City Zip Code
Atlanta 30301
Baltimore 21233
Boston 02101
Chicago 60601
Cincinnati 45202
Cleveland 44101
Columbus 43216
Dallas 75201
Denver 80201
Detroit 48231
Houston 77052
Indianapolis 46206
Los Angeles 90086
Miami 33101
Milwaukee 53201
Minneapolis 55401
New York 10001
Norfolk 23503
Philadelphia 19104
Phoenix 85201
Pittsburgh 15233
Portland 97208
Sacramento 95814
St. Louis 63166
San Antonio 78265
San Diego 92183
San Francisco 94142
Seattle 98101
Tampa 33602
Washington, DC (federal)  20500
Washington, DC (other) 20090