The Federal Laboratory Consortium comprises over 700 member research laboratories and centers from 16 federal departments. If a company has a specific technology need or question, one of the more than 100,000 scientists or engineers who work in the federal laboratories may have the solution. The FLC provides a link between the individual laboratory members and the potential users of government-developed technologies. The federal laboratories contain technologies, facilities, and expertise in all areas of science and engineering and offer opportunities such as:
- Use of laboratory facilities
- Workshops, seminars, briefings
- Sponsored research
- Printed documentation
- Visits to laboratories
- Exclusive or non-exclusive licensing
- Employee exchange
- Cooperative research projects
- Technical assistance
The FLC Locator is part of the FLC network that assists companies in locating the right laboratory or individual scientist or technician to handle a company's specific request. Once the contact is made, the specific technology transfer arrangements are made between the laboratory and the business.
To take advantage of the Federal Laboratory Consortium network and access the federal laboratories, contact one of the FLC regional coordinators in your region, or the locator manager. The regional coordinator working with the FLC Locator will find the right laboratory to meet specific requests.
Contact: FLC Laboratory Locator Network, DelaBarre & Associates, P.O. Box 545, Sequim, WA 98382. Phone (206) 683-1005.
Federal Laboratory Consortium Regional Contacts
Mid-Atlantic Norma Vaught ARL-Sensor, Signatures, Signal & Info Director ATTN: AMSRL-CP-TT 2800 Powder Mill Road Adelphi, MD 29783 (301) 394-2952 Mid-Continent C. Dan Brand HHS/PHS/FDA National Center for Toxicological Research 3900 NCTK Road Jefferson, AR 72079 (501) 543-7950 Midwest C. Ted Schoenborn HHS-National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health 4676 Columbia Parkway, DPSE-R2 Cincinnati, OH 45226 (513) 841-4305 Northwest Gary Conlon Army Benet Laboratories ATTN: SMCAR-CCB-T Building 115, Room 224 Watervliet, NY 12189 (518) 266-4946 Southeast Eric Greene HHS/PHS-Centers for Disease Control Technology Transfer Office MS-E67 1600 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30333 (404) 639-6268 Washington, DC Dr. Beverly Berger 1850 M Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 331-4220 West Geoffrey Phillips Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Center 3237 Peacekeeper Way #13 McClellan AFB, CA 95652 (916) 643-1248