Managed by the Technology Administration's National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Advanced Technology Program is an industry-driven, cooperative partnership between government and the private sector to advance the nation's competitive position. The purpose of the program is to assist U.S. companies in creating and applying "generic technology" and research results to help commercialize new technology more quickly and improve manufacturing processes.
The ATP Awards are based on merit as determined through a full and open competition. In December 1992, twenty-one new awards were announced, two-thirds of which were for small businesses. The projects cover a broad spectrum of technology areas, including machine tools, biotechnology, electronics, optics, materials engineering, lighting technology, and refrigeration.
Any business or industrial joint venture may apply for these grants. For further information, contact the Advanced Technology Program Administration, Administration Building, Room A430, Ret. 270 & Quince Orchard Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Phone (301) 975-2636.