Follow this link for more expansive and timely details through news feeds of world holidays and special event celebrations. 

*January 1 New Year's Day May 30 Memorial Day
January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, Birthday *Last Monday in May Memorial Day (observed)
Third Monday in January Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday June 3 Jefferson Davis's Birthday (Southern states)
January 19 Robert E. Lee's Birthday (Southern states) June 14 Flag Day
January 20 Inauguration Day Third Sunday in June Father's Day
February 2 Groundhog Day *July 4 Independence Day
February 12 Lincoln's Birthday *First Monday in September Labor Day
February 14 Valentine's Day September 17 Citizenship Day
February 22 Washington's Birthday Fourth Friday in September Native American Day
Third Monday in February Washington's Birthday (observed) October 12 Columbus Day
March 17 St. Patrick's Day *Second Monday in October Columbus Day (observed)
March or April Easter Sunday October 24 United Nations Day
April 1 April Fools' Day October 31 Halloween
April 14 Pan American Day First Tuesday after the first Monday in November Election Day
May 1 May Day *November 11 Veterans' Day
Second Sunday in May Mother's Day *Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day
Third Saturday in May Armed Forces Day *December 25 Christmas Day


* These are the officially designated national holidays