Read Darths & Droids, Star Wars inspired, sci-fi webcomics

Droids and Darths webcomic

Darths & Droids is an "RPG screencap comic" that parodies Star Wars. The characters in the comic are roleplaying game (RPG) players. The premise of the comic is that the Star Wars saga as we know it does not exist, rather the comic takes place in an alternate universe where Star Wars does not exist. Despite aspects of a Star Wars setting the comic's characters are oblivious to anything concerning Jedi, or Tatooine, or Anakin Skywalker before the game begins. Using screenshots from the live-action films to tell the story, the Comic Irregulars are not constrained by the dialogue, allowing a largely different plot to be constructed around the visuals from the films.







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Read Darths & Droids, Star Wars inspired, sci-fi webcomics


Star Wars as it would have been played as an RPG.
Darths & Droids
  1. Episode 2457: It Is Time for Us All to Decide Who We Are

    Running games can be mentally exhausting. After a session your GM is probably tired and drained. Show some appreciation: Tell them what a great

  2. Episode 2456: Rice Kryptos: Scrape, Crack, and Pwn

    Giving the players some control over the setting or their adventures is a good way to encourage engagement in the campaign world. This doesn't have to

  3. Episode 2455: Hooked on a Feeling

    Fleeting encounters like this can be useful for changing focus in a game, as well as in visual media. Basically, doing what the GM is doing in this strip. You can have

  4. Episode 2454: Excelling at Evil, or Evil at Excelling?

    Disguise is great if you need to infiltrate an enemy lair. The real issue comes when you need to speak with someone. How do your enemies speak?

  5. Episode 2453: A Solid Plan

    There are certain literary conventions about the representations of good and evil. In visual media
