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  1. In May 2019, Amanda Eller set out on foot without a cell phone, food, or water, on what she thought would be a</a></td></tr></table>...                            </div>
                                                    <h3 class= The magical kiss!
    The magical kiss! submitted by /u/joshrmrz to
  2. Can we arrest these types of entitled idiots?
  3. Apparently Trump can’t stop farting during trial Byあてなば侑(@y_atenaba)
    href="あてなば侑y_atenaba/"> <img sr" alt="Byあ" title="Byあ"> </a> </td><"> submi"ted by /u/Witch_from_reddit to r/Frieren
  4. Anon watches Straight Outta Compton submitted by
  5. Slept submitted by
  6. I'm shocked there are people who still think this.
  7. My first Rainbow Crossing.

    I had to put down a family dog yesterday

  8. May I offer you a meme in these trying times