Metal Sucks – reporting on the Heavy Metal music industry

Metal Sucks mp3 heavy metal song news

The latest music news from Metal Sucks, heavy metal and punk rock industry news on artists new releases and where to get new mp3 songs.

Humming Powerman 5000 on the toilet since 2006
  1. Bewitcher 3 colorTickets are on sale now.
  2. eluveite_2025Coming this April.
  3. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPeltier has been in prison...
  4. scowl_newalbumThe new album's coming April 4.
  5. Knocked-Loose-Shadows-and-Strobes-9The...
  6. khanate_2025They're taking place this summer.
  7. Black Sabbath 1970The accolades continue.
  8. AnvilThey're bringing a comedian...
  9. John SykesRest in Power!
  10. oldrake_gladiatorARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!
  11. Rob-DukesWhich album do you think was chosen?
  12. Music studioThis might be the dumbest take I've heard on AI.
  13. coc_preproduction~2Continue the hype train!
  14. NEW_CREED_PROMO_PICI don't think they do.
  15. Hatebreed and ToolI kind of get it.