Read Awkward Zombie, video game themed comedy webcomics

Awkward Zombie webcomics

Awkward Zombie, a video game themed webcomic by Katie Tiedrich. It often makes reference to video game culture thus sometimes requiring a bit of video game literacy. The comic is non-sequential, with no main characters or plotlines, and can be read out of order. There are gag-a-day parodies of ridiculous situations that could occur in video game worlds such as The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, World of Warcraft, Red Dead Redemption, the Metal Gear series, and others, but some include the author herself as a character. Generally, except for limited strips, the title does not suggest a persistent pattern of recurring zombie lore.







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Read Awkward Zombie, video game themed comedy webcomics


Latest Awkward Zombie comics and news

  1. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I'm sorry but you can't start giving exposition right next to those tasty crates and expect me to listen. I just hope no ever expects me to act stealthily, or to respectfully traverse a


  2. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Well...I do want Mohenjo-daro to like me.

    I'm pretty sure Civilization VII comes out in a month, so it seems like a relevant time to post a comic about Civilization VI.


  3. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Someone needs to learn the meaning of catching 'em all.

  4. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Picking boxing gloves as your signature weapon is a bold choice when you are regularly expected to demonstrate fine motor skills.

  5. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I'm not even sure Bowser realizes those Goombas aren't currently on the clock for him. He does that all the time.

  6. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Maybe after a history of being captured in bottles by inconsiderate adventurers, fairies in Hyrule have come to crave the situation's safety and solitude, as it shields them from their natural predators


  7. New comic!

    Today's News:

    This is so not daijobu.

  8. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I find the best psychological offense is to spend at least ten minutes meticulously planning to start the map before running away. Keeps 'em guessing.

  9. New comic!

    Today's News:

    You idiot. You fool. You should have worn a light shirt and warm pants instead.

  10. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Maybe working at the movie theater will help me with these trigonometry problems.

  11. New comic!

    Today's News:

    It turns out these don't mark a collectable to be picked up -- if you do a little twirl on them, a coin pops out. It's just a neat little thing.

    Until I broke down and looked this


  12. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Maybe it's because modern apps like Cornell Lab's Merlin Bird ID makes identification accessible to new potential bird


  13. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Sorry, but there's a very interesting dog I could be talking to right now.

  14. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Individual seahorses getting tired the more you race them is a neat mechanic to try to govern the number of races you can complete in one visit to the Sea People's village, but it takes so


  15. New comic!

    Today's News:

    This comic was written by Omnithea. It is about flying too close to the sun.

  16. New comic!

    Today's News:

    It's that time again: Please come join me and my friends as we contemplate dinosaurs.

  17. New comic!

    Today's News:

    It's a matter of pride.

  18. New comic!

    Today's News:

    This comic was written by Norrin. It is about familiar faces.

  19. New comic!

    Today's News:

    The cube's constant and unremarked-upon presence is a comfort to us all in these trying times.

  20. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Just imagine all the cool stuff I can't find.